Rosa Projection
A project commissioned by Onomatopee for their exhibition and publication of "A Rosa Pöetica", a play written by Ad van Rosmalen. It is an animated projection which uses all 8 scenes of the one act play spanning a total of 58 minutes. The lines of the characters are projected underneath their names (also the names of the four artists in the exhibition) maintaining a conversational rhythm.
From the Onomatopee website: “Ad van Rosmalen wrote this one-act play on the basis of the lives of the the four members of the Rosa artists collective.
On this stage, where creative art crosses paths with that of the art of life, A Rosa Poëtica pleads the case for a radical sociability. Artistic power lies in the communication that ensues from the readiness to place your very essence on the agenda – enabling others to understand that essence when they listen…”
Een— A Rosa Pöetica
April 13 - May 27th 2012
Onomatopee, Eindhoven, The Netherlands