The Future
A fictional service that takes the wall posts of an unsuspecting (non-fictional) Facebook user and turns them into short films. Each episode had to be produced in less than 24 hours.
Video Elicitations— Everyday Craft
Two video elicitations which illustrate craftsmanship found in everyday work. The subjects were a Turkish Barber in Istanbul, and a Halal Butcher in the Netherlands, both share a dedication to quality for the sake of quality.
______ likes.
Social Media encourages us to put our lives out in the open for all of our "friends" to see. This project exploits the voyeuristic nature of engaging with our "friends" this way.
By cutting out the name from an individual's posts on their "wall" and cataloguing them in a 64 page book what was once temporal becomes far more permanent like a journal, giving the reader the feeling of a voyeuristic encounter with a stranger's life.
Rosa Projection
A project commissioned by Onomatopee for their exhibition and publication of "A Rosa Pöetica", a play written by Ad van Rosmalen. It is an animated projection which uses all 8 scenes of the one act play spanning a total of 58 minutes. The lines of the characters are projected underneath their names (also the names of the four artists in the exhibition) maintaining a conversational rhythm.
Een/A Rosa Pöetica
April 13 - May 27th 2012
Onomatopee, Eindhoven, The Netherlands